Module Description:

The idea of interconnectedness among ecosystem components is introduced in this module and a number of scenarios are included that illustrate the concept. "Interconnectedness is a fundamental ecological concept, a common theme in natural resource/environmental science programs and a foundational component of ecosystem-based management of natural resources. Two introductory activities require students to diagram ecosystem interconnections. Brief descriptions of 13 additional scenarios are provided, along with references to and descriptions of supporting video, print and web-based resources."

Module Contents

The 41-page guide provides a description of the module and includes ten sections: Illustrations of Interconnectedness in Ecosystems - Module Description, Illustrations of Interconnectedness in Ecosystems, Introduction, Objectives, Procedure, Notes to Instructors, Resources, Introductory Activity I - The Recovery of Channel Island Foxes, Introductory Activity II - Pollination of New Zealand Mistletoes, and Additional Interconnectedness Descriptions and Resources. 

The 41-page Word document is a duplicate of the .pdf. The PowerPoint includes images from the guide. 

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