Tropical Ornamental Mariculture Technician Certificate

In response to global declines in fisheries products and degradation of marine ecosystems, the tropical ornamental mariculture industry has shown rapid growth. To meet the demand for highly skilled technical labor and to stimulate the further development of a tropical ornamental mariculture industry in Florida, Florida Keys Community College (FKCC) proposes the development of a Tropical Ornamental Mariculture Technician (TOMT) certificate. The certificate requires completion of 27 credit hours of in class course work, laboratory and field studies. The capstone course for the certificate is an internship at one of four tropical ornamental mariculture facilities in the Florida Keys (South Eastern Aquatechnologies, Inc., The Coral Restoration Foundation, Mote Tropical Research Laboratory, and Atlantic Reef Aquaculture) working with research and production of marine ornamental aquaculture organisms. The proposed Tropical Ornamental Mariculture Technician Certificate will provide a needed educational platform for the development of well-prepared technicians necessary for growth and development of the marine ornamental mariculture industry and marine conservation efforts during the 21st century. The proposal team is composed of experts in the fields of Marine Biology, Fisheries Science, Biological Oceanography (emphasis on Marine Community Ecology & Fishery Management), Aquaculture and Veterinary sciences. In addition to scientific knowledge, graduates will gain a thorough knowledge of the business environment associated with the aquaculture industry. The types of modular tropical ornamental mariculture systems employed during the proposed project are ideally suited to small business development and, therefore, may have substantial impacts on the local and regional economies. On the site, visitors will find information about program, courses, and contact information for interested prospective students.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
July 1st, 2010
ATE Expiration Date
August 31st, 2015
ATE Principal Investigator
Patrick Rice
Primary Institution
Florida Keys Community College
Record Type
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