Hartnell College is creating 2+2+2 career pathways for technicians, engineers, and engineering designers in the emerging fields of sustainable energy, power engineering and engineering design. The goals of the project are to (1) improve the STEM pipeline from two area high schools to Hartnell College and to the University of California at Santa Cruz, (2) integrate renewable energy technologies into existing curricula at participating high schools and Hartnell, and (3) prepare students to work in sustainable energy and engineering technologies jobs. The project is forming a consortium of at least 10 partners, including industry, in sustainable energy education; creating and supporting new energy career pathways; increasing student enrollment in high school and bridge program sustainable energy programs; developing and implementing an internship program; and using a newly constructed sustainable energy and research facility. Project deliverables include new courses, research findings from student projects, a model consortium, high school outreach and instructional materials, and project evaluation data. On the site, visitors will find information and pictures about the project, its partners, the program, and its participants.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
June 1st, 2011
ATE Expiration Date
August 31st, 2014
ATE Principal Investigator
Alicia Steinhardt
Primary Institution
Hartnell College
Record Type
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