DC/AC Circuits: Course Materials
Course Description:
This eSyst DC/AC Circuits course is provided Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC). This course has 16 student learning outcomes, including: Define systems as it applies to electronics, list and explain the operation of the main building blocks and circuits of electronics systems; define basic electrical quantities and terms including current, voltage, power, resistance, and efficiency; define conductor, insulator, and semiconductor materials; determine resistance from color code and surface mount component codes and labels; identify and calculate a bridge circuit; define, calculate, and explain the effect of capacitive and inductive reactance; and state a basic method and procedure to troubleshooting and perform troubleshooting on basic DC and AC circuits.
Course Contents:
Course materials include a 6-page course overview, numerous instructor presentations, student lab activity guides, and quizzes. The course overview includes a list of instructional materials, 16 learning outcomes, a detailed course outline, new system topics, and an explanation of the traditional view and systems view of courses in DC and AC circuits. Student lab activity guides may include the following sections: Purpose, Systems Rationale, Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills, Student Learning Outcomes, Process Overview, Time Needed, Task, and more.
For orientation purposes eSyst - AC_DC Circuits.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this collection.
Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
DC/AC Circuits (33 files, 36.6 MB)
- AC/AC Circuits (eSyst - AC_DC Circuits.pdf 117 KB)
- Materials
- Electrical Power Distribution - An AC System (AC Power Distribution 6-9-10.ppt 5.9 MB)
- A System Approach to Temperature Monitor and Control - DC/AC Circuits (AC_DC_Circuits-System_Approach_to_Temp_Monitor_Control-Student_Guide-4-23-10M.doc 2.8 MB)
- Solar Energy Power System (DC_AC_Circuits-Solar_Energy_Power_System-Student_Guide-Rev3-10M.doc 4.9MB)
- Wire and Cable Characteristics (DC_AC_Circuits-Wire_Cable_Characteristics-Student_Guide 4-22-10M.doc 1.5 MB)
- Amp Meter System Design and Testing (DCAC_Circuits-Amp_Meter_Design_Testing-Student_Guide 4-21M.doc 284 KB)
- Voltmeter System Design and Testing (DCAC_Circuits-Voltmeter_Design_Testing-Student_Guide-Rev4-22-10M.doc 287 KB)
- An Electronic System Power Supply Example (Introduction_Power_Supply-6-9-10.ppt 2.2 MB)
- Introduction to Semiconductor Devices (Introduction_Semi_Devices-6-09-10.ppt 2.4 MB)
- Introduction to Semiconductor Materials (Introduction_Semi_Materials-6-09-10.ppt 2.8 MB)
- Knowledge Probe: An Electronic System Power Supply (KP_Electronic_System_Power_Supply-Rev7-22.pdf 31 KB)
- Knowledge Probe: Introduction to Semiconductor Devices (KP_Semi_Devices-Rev7-22.pdf 32 KB)
- Knowledge Probe: Introduction to Semiconductor Materials (KP_Semi_Materials-Rev7-22.pdf 31 KB)
- R2R Ladder Network (R2R_LabActivity - Rev5-10-10M2.doc 211 KB)
- Lab 3: Oscilloscope Operations (u3000 Olliscope operation 4-19-10M.doc 103 KB)
- Lab 1: Power Supply Operations (U3000 Power Supply Operation 4-19-10M.doc 102 KB)
- Lab 2: Digital Multimeter Operations (U3000D Multimeter Operation 4-19-10M.doc 100 KB)
- Topics
- A System Approach to Temperature Monitor and Control (AC_DC_Circuits-System_Approach_to_Temp_Monitor_Control-Student_Guide-Rev7-16.pdf 482 KB)
- Solar Energy Power System (DC_AC_Circuits-Solar_Energy_Power_System-Student_Guide-Rev7-17.pdf 365 KB)
- Wire and Cable Characteristics (DC_AC_Circuits-Wire_Cable_Characteristics-Student_Guide-Rev7-17.pdf 193 KB)
- Amp Meter System Design and Testing (DCAC_Circuits-Amp_Meter_Design_Testing-Student_Guide-Rev7-18.pdf 220 KB)
- Voltmeter System Design and Testing (DCAC_Circuits-Voltmeter_Design_Testing-Student_Guide-Rev7-17.pdf 249 KB)
- An Electronic System Power Supply Example (Introduction_Power_Supply-Rev7-22.ppt 2.1 MB)
- Introduction to Semiconductor Devices (Introduction_Semi_Devices-Rev7-22 (1).ppt 2.9 MB)
- Introduction to Semiconductor Devices (Introduction_Semi_Devices-Rev7-22.ppt 2.9 MB)
- Introduction to Semiconductor Materials (Introduction_Semi_Materials-Rev7-22.ppt 2.8 MB)
- Knowledge Probe: An Electronic System Power Supply (KP_Electronic_System_Power_Supply-Rev7-22.pdf 31 KB)
- Knowledge Probe: Introduction to Semiconductor Devices (KP_Semi_Devices-Rev7-22.pdf 32 KB)
- Knowledge Probe: Introduction to Semiconductor Materials (KP_Semi_Materials-Rev7-22 (1).pdf 31 KB)
- Skin Effect Lab Exercises (skin effect2.2.pdf 15 KB)