Retaining Undergraduate Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology: A Survey of a Student Organization


This 14-page paper, from the Journal of College Student Retention, profiles the Women in Technology student organization at Purdue University. The group's central goals include drawing "more women to the School, and reduce the attrition rate of women already in the program by serving as a well-recognized, formal context in which they could receive mentoring and in which they could find stable social support to help them achieve their academic and career objectives." The group's key retention strategies and how those strategies were implemented are also discussed. This document may be downloaded in PDF file format.

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Wasburn, Mara H., and Susan G. Miller. "Retaining Undergraduate Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology: A Survey of a Student Organization," Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory and Practice 6(2):155-168 (2004-2005).
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