Designing Futures With Games: Game-Framed Mathematics and Science as a Pathway to Multimedia Technology Careers

The Game-Framed Mathematics & Science (G-FMS) initiative supports existing digital media curricula at Eugenio MarĂ­a de Hostos Community College by reimagining how fundamental concepts in mathematics and science can be engaging to digital learners. Current remedial and college level mathematics and science curricula are being redesigned by framing the subjects within game design, providing a foundation for programming-centric courses and providing the skills for students to pursue careers in game design as well as interactive media. A collaborative group of professors from mathematics, physics, the natural sciences, design, and education are part of the team redesigning courses based on this game-framed pedagogy resulting in six new courses in mathematics, biology, environmental science, and physics. Broader impacts include an implementation of the G-FMS curricula in a Summer Games Institute for secondary school students and through professional development workshops for college and secondary school educators interested in mirroring this pedagogical approach. Assessment goals are to improve scores on the COMPASS Mathematics placement exam, to increase student engagement in STEM courses, to increase student engagement with programming concepts, to create pathways from high schools to game design and STEM programs, and to provide student game design research opportunities. The evaluation plan utilizes surveys, interviews, and tools for student reflection. Dissemination is accomplished through faculty workshops, a dedicated website, presentations at a variety of game education conferences, and peer-reviewed publications.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
October 1st, 2012
ATE Expiration Date
December 31st, 2016
ATE Principal Investigator
Rees Shad
Primary Institution
CUNY Hostos Community College
Record Type
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