Introduction to Alternative Energy: Solar Energy


This activity, created by Maricopa Community Colleges, is designed to provide students with a short introduction to solar photovoltaic and solar thermal technology. The PowerPoint, which contains 74-slides, provides a brief overview of the history of solar energy: how it was originally used in the past, the development of solar energy power plants, and how solar energy is used and harnessed in modern times. 

After viewing the PowerPoint, students are asked to complete an activity using the Internet to research and measure the force of impact. Also included with the activity are pre- and post-assessments, which can help assess students' understanding of solar energy, both before and after completion of the activity.

Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis. 

Solar Energy (6 files, 55.8 MB)

  • Solar Energy Activity / Instructor's Notes (Solar Energy -  Instructor's note.doc 38 KB)
  • Solar Energy Activity (Solar Energy Activity Instructions.doc 2.4 MB)
  • Solar Energy Post-Assessment (Solar Energy Post-Assessment.doc 35 KB)
  • Solar Energy Pre-Assessment (Solar Energy Pre-Assessment.doc 35 KB)
  • Solar Energy-Photo Voltaic and Solar Thermal-Rev A (Solar Energy-Photo Voltaic and Solar Thermal-Rev A.ppt 53.3 MB)
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