This resource, by Tony R. Kuphaldt, is the fourth volume in a series of six online textbooks about electricity and electronics. Select the Master Index link to view the other textbooks in the Lessons in Electric Circuits series. This book includes the following chapters: Chapter 1: Numeration Systems, Chapter 2: Binary Arithmetic, Chapter 3: Logic Gates, Chapter 4: Switches, Chapter 5: Electromechanical Relays, Chapter 6: Ladder Logic, Chapter 7: Boolean Algebra, Chapter 8: Karnaugh Mapping, Chapter 9: Combinational Logic Functions, Chapter 10: Multivibrators, Chapter 11: Sequential Circuits, Chapter 12: Shift Registers; Chapter 13: Digital-Analog Conversion, Chapter 14: Digital Communication, Chapter 15: Digital Storage (Memory), and Chapter 16: Principles of Digital Computing. The other textbooks in this series are available to view separately. 

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Tony R. Kuphaldt
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