This resource, by Tony R. Kuphaldt, is the second volume in a series of six online textbooks about electricity and electronics. . Select the Master Index link to view the other textbooks in the Lessons in Electric Circuits series. This book includes the following sections: Chapter 1: Basic AC Theory, Chapter 2: Complex Numbers, Chapter 3: Reactance and Impedance -- Inductive, Chapter 4: Reactance and Impedance -- Capacitive, Chapter 5: Reactance and Impedance -- R.L. and C, Chapter 6: Resonance, Chapter 7: Mixed-Frequency AC Signals, Chapter 8: Transformers, Chapter 10: Polyphase AC Circuits, Chapter 11: Power Factor, Chapter 12: AC Metering Circuits, Chapter 13: AC Motors, Chapter 14: Transmission Lines, Appendix 1: About This Book, Appendix 2: Contributor List, and Appendix 3: Design Science License. The other textbooks in this series are available to view separately. 

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Tony R. Kuphaldt
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