Improving Pathways in Sustainable Agriculture Education

The project aims at providing a more streamlined 2+2+2 education in the field of sustainable agriculture (SA) by improving articulation between Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC), local high schools and state-supported universities in California (CA). High school students are introduced to sustainable agriculture through outreach and a summer academy program where they receive dual credit and also credit by examination (CBE) for selected high school courses. For students enrolled in SA programs at SRJC, improving retention and completion rates are accomplished through enhanced advising, modifications to curriculum, increased course offerings and the development of internship opportunities. The project establishes improved articulation of SA courses with CA's state-supported four-year institutions such as UC-Davis, UC-Santa Cruz, Chico State and Fresno State to allow more students to pursue and complete four-year degrees in SA. Students benefit from experiential "farm to table" learning at SRJC's 365 acre Shone Farm. Students also learn business and marketing aspects that are critical to a successful SA operation through internships and student enterprise projects. Potential benefits of the project include improved stewardship of the land and natural resources, decreased use of chemicals, healthier food supplies, and new ways to support small and medium farms.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
July 1st, 2013
ATE Expiration Date
June 30th, 2017
ATE Principal Investigator
Joshua Beniston
Primary Institution
Santa Rosa Junior College
Record Type
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