Integrating Expert Knowledge and Simulation-Based Assessment for Wastewater Management Training

This project is designing and implementing an innovative approach to improving the statewide training of wastewater technicians at the South Carolina Environmental Training Center. The integrative approach includes 1) cognitive task analyses of industry experts to elicit both explicit and tacit knowledge and skills as a basis for elements of mastery, 2) using instructional design principles to develop an authentic simulated practice system with embedded intelligent feedback, and 3) linking simulations to courses and curricula for an Associate Degree in Applied Science, for a workforce certificate program, and for continuing education courses for current wastewater operators.

The project represents a flexible, next-generation solution to increasing training capacity, allowing extensive practice and problem solving in scenarios that include high risks and emergencies, and providing specific, tailored feedback to learners in authentic situations. Simulations are linked to instructor modules, allowing assessment of student progress and development of modified and novel scenarios. The project addresses the immediate technical workforce need brought on by impending retirements of wastewater operators. It is also providing an effective and scalable model for training workers from rural settings and/or nontraditional educational pathways that can ultimately be extended to other technical fields.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
1340239, 1361490
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
September 1st, 2013
ATE Expiration Date
August 31st, 2018
ATE Principal Investigator
David Feldon
Primary Institution
Utah State University
Record Type
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