In this resource provided by DeafTEC, the PacerSpacer resource is described in detail and recommended to instructors with deaf and hard of hearing students in their classrooms. The purpose of the software is to allow adequate time for students for students to read the slides before the instructor begins speaking in order to minimize distraction and allow for more process time. The software itself is described here as, "a small square of color, which begins as red, then changes to yellow briefly, and finally to green – like a traffic light with one square bulb. Place it in an out of the way spot on the background – the slide master(s) – of your presentation; then as each new slide comes up, wait to begin speaking until the PacerSpacer changes from red to yellow to green. It’s a way to hold you back from the urge to start speaking ‘too soon.’" Instructors will also find a download option for the software depending on their OS, as well as install instructions and a FAQ.

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