
This lesson, from the Northern Wyoming Community College District, focuses on the geology of nonrenewable energy resources, including coal, oil, and oil shale. Over the course of the lesson students create a model of geological strata; compare and contrast the heat content and geologic structure of various energy resources; compare and contrast the impact of various energy resources on the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere; and write a justification essay.

The lesson, intended for students in the 10th grade, takes several 80-minute class periods over three weeks to complete, and requires students have prior knowledge of renewable and nonrenewable resources, types of rocks and the processes that form them, and foundational energy units, as well as basic research skills and basic computer skills. Upon completion of the lesson, students will have developed an understanding of applying concepts and models, using direct and indirect evidence, and making justifications of solutions based on evidence. 

Lesson Contents: 

For orientation purposes, viewers should begin with the attached .pdf document, which offers a description of the lesson, as well as an overview of topics covered, and learning outcomes. 

Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.

  • Lesson Summary (1-LP_Geology-Energy-NonRenewableResources.pdf 24KB)
  • Day 1 Lesson Introduction (2-Geology-Energy-Day 1  Introduction.pdf 10KB)
  • Days 2-10 Activities and Plans (3-Geology-Energy-Days 2-10 Activities and Plans.pdf 10KB)
  • Student Handout (4-Geology-Energy-Models.pdf 9KB)
  • Comparing & Contrasting Worksheet (5-Comparing and Contrasting - Part 1 - Worksheet.pdf 16KB)
  • Comparing & Contrasting Questions (6-Comparing and Contrasting - Part 2 - Questions.pdf 9KB)
  • Essay Assignment (7-Environmental Impact and Essay.pdf 9KB)
  • List of Sample Mines (8-List of sample mines.pdf 12KB)
  • Rebric (9-Rubrics.pdf 23KB)
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