Regional Water Conversations Report

This 64-page Regional Water Conversations report, provided by the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center, is a compilation of six regional water forums held with business and industry professionals. The main purpose of the forums was to gain an understanding of existing and upcoming water management jobs and to determine occupational needs in different regions of the country. Regions covered include the Midwest, Mountain West, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest. The resulting Regional Water Conversations report provides a preliminary labor market analysis and job needs assessment. The occupational information is provided for educators, business/industry, and technicians to enhance career education and training in the water field.
The report includes a table of contents and the following sections: Introduction, Blueprint of the Regional Water Conversations, Summary of Results, Fastest-Growing Regional Occupations Poster, Midwest Energy Conservation, Mountain West Energy Conservation, Northeast Energy Conservation, Northwest Energy Conservation, Southeast Energy Conservation, Additional Occupational Information, Emerging Issues, Acknowledgements, Regional Host Institutions and Participants, and Forums Coordination and Report Production.
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