EMERGE: Establishing a Means for Effective Renewable/Green Energy
This project contributes to the study of science and engineering education by addressing the research question, "Do project-based learning instructional strategies integrated with sustainability content have an impact on student enrollment and retention in STEM college credit certificates and degrees?" Research-informed activities will focus on the development and pilot testing of several coordinated strategies: (1) providing secondary students with opportunities to earn industry certifications by incorporating a replicable Sustainable Engineering certificate within an Early College dual enrollment program; (2) increasing general science knowledge and interest in STEM by offering relevant sustainability courses to both scientist/technicians and non-science college majors; and (3) meeting workforce and societal needs by engaging students in learning sustainability content, embedded within multiple STEM degree and certificate programs.
Project objectives and outcomes include: (1) developing a new 18 credit hour/6 course Sustainable Engineering certificate containing specializations tied to industry certifications; (2) increasing enrollment in Sustainable Engineering courses; (3) increasing the number of students pursing the embedded Sustainable Engineering certificate as part of their degree program; and (4) increasing knowledge of scientists/technicians and non-scientists exposed to sustainable/renewable concepts. Outcomes will further support the development of replicable models for STEM student success, and will impact the training of the future science and technology workforce, increasing participation among underrepresented groups and those empowered by their knowledge about green technology.