
This website from the University of California Berkeley provides information on the Center for the Built Environment (CBE). The CBE's "mission is to improve the environmental quality and energy efficiency of buildings by providing timely, unbiased information on building technologies and design and operation techniques." The website is divided into four main sections: About Us, Research, Membership, and What's New. About Us provides an overview of the primary objectives and organizational structure of CBE and information on research staff, industry partners, facilities, graduate programs, the visiting scholar program, and careers. Research provides information on CBE’s research portfolio. CBE’s research is categorized into five project areas: Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ); Building HVAC Systems; Building Envelope Systems; Human Interactions; and Sustainability, Whole Building Energy, and Other Topics. A link to the complete list of CBE publications is also provided. Membership includes a Program Overview, Benefits of Participation in CBE, Frequently Asked Questions, How to Become a Member, and Information on Our Next Meeting. What’s New is the CBE’s blog and provides news and information on new members, partners, and research. The homepage also provides quick links to many CBE resources including a newsletter, brochure, webinars, and current news and tools. 

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