
Toolkit Description: 
This NET-210 Thermal Sciences course is from the RCNET Comprehensive Teaching Toolkit: Fundamentals, and is drawn from curriculum taught in the Nuclear Systems Technology program at Midlands Technical College. The program is designed to train nuclear systems technicians to work in nuclear power plants and covers fundamentals of nuclear power systems such as plant components, radiological protection, nuclear plant chemistry, and how to operate plant equipment. This RCNET Toolkit is organized in four courses: NET-122 Electrical, NET-210 Thermal Sciences, NET-225 Nuclear Physics, and NET-230 Chemistry. 

Toolkit Course Contents:
NET-210 Thermal Sciences is a study in basic thermal science for nuclear power plant operators. Topics include basic concepts in heat transfer and the laws of thermodynamics, and monitoring and control of primary and secondary plant systems.  

Materials available as part of the Teaching Toolkit include three .pdf documents from the Department of Energy (DOE) Fundamentals Handbooks in Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Flow; 23 PowerPoint presentations; and 11 .pdf tests.

The DOE Fundamentals Handbook .pdf documents vary in length between 80-138 pages and and include an abstract, overview of the text, learning objectives, text material, and are divided into modules so that content and order may be modified by individual instructors. 

Each PowerPoint presentation covers a different lesson topic and is accompanied by a Narrative .pdf that covers the topic and provides lecture notes for the PowerPoint slides. Lesson topics include Bernoulli’s Equation, Boiling Heat Transfer, Conduction Heat Transfer Fluid Flow, First Law and Second of Thermodynamics, and Two-Phase Fluid Flow; as well as many other related topics.

Ten .pdf documents include test questions on different topics and one 305-page PDF includes test questions that cover all topics of the course.

For orientation purposes DOE Text Thermodynamics.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this course. 

Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis. 

NET-210 Thermal Sciences (86 files 35.6 MB)

  • PowerPoints with Narrative Files
    • Bernoulli’s Equation (2 files, 1.6 MB)
    • Boiling Heat Transfer (2 files, 676 KB)
    • Centrifugal Pumps (2 files, 3.1 MB)
    • Change of Phase (2 files, 860 KB)
    • Compression Processes (2 files, 606 KB)
    • Conduction Heat Transfer (2 files, 2.3 MB)
    • Convection Heat Transfer (2 files, 1.5 MB)
    • Decay Heat (2 files, 1.1 MB)
    • Energy, Work and Heat (2 files, 319 KB)
    • First Law of Thermodynamics (2 files, 1.3 MB)
    • Fluid Flown (2 files, 2.6 MB)
    • Head Loss (2 files, 889 KB)
    • Heat Exchangers (2 files, 1.4 MB)
    • Heat Generation (2 files, 1.7 MB)
    • Heat Transfer (2 files, 942 KB)
    • Laminar and Turbulent Flow (2 files, 590 KB)
    • Natural Circulation (2 files, 377 KB)
    • Property Diagrams and Steam Tables (2 files, 1.4 MB)
    • Radiant Heat Transfer (2 files, 938 KB)
    • Second Law of Thermodynamics (2 files, 4.2 KB)
    • Temperature and Pressure Measurements (2 files, 512 KB)
    • Thermodynamic Systems Processes (2 files, 328 KB)
    • Two-Phase Fluid Flow (2 files, 897 KB)
  • Tests
    • All Topics Thermodynamics (all topics thermo.pdf 668 KB)
    • Basic Energy Concepts (Basic Energy Concepts.pdf 6 KB)
    • Brittle Fracture and Vessel Thermal Stress (Brittle Fracture and Vessel Thermal Stress.pdf 58 KB)
    • Core Thermal Limits (Core Thermal Limits.pdf 55 KB)
    • Fluid Statics and Dynamics (Fluid Statics and Dynamics.pdf 144 KB)
    • Heat Transfer and Heat Exchangers (Heat Transfer and Heat Exchangers.pdf 104 KB)
    • Steam (Steam.pdf 65 KB)
    • Thermal Hydraulics (Thermal Hydraulics.pdf 189 KB)
    • Thermodynamic Cycles (Thermodynamic Cycles.pdf 26 KB)
    • Thermodynamic Processes (Thermodynamic Processes.pdf 48 KB)
    • Thermodynamic Units and Properties (Thermodynamic Units and Properties.pdf 142 KB)
  • Textbooks
    • DOE Fundamentals Handbook: Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Flow, Volume 1 of 3 (DOE Text Thermodynamics.pdf 2 MB)
    • DOE Fundamentals Handbook: Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Flow, Volume 2 of 3 (DOE Text Heat Transfer.pdf 856 KB)
    • DOE Fundamentals Handbook: Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, and Fluid Flow, Volume 3 of 3 (DOE Text Fluid Flow.pdf 1 MB)
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