
This report, provided by Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Central at the Internet Scout Research Group, details the results of the 2012 ATE Social Media and Technology Survey.  This survey "seeks to provide the ATE community with answers to questions they have asked regarding effective use of social media to promote their deliverables."  ATE Central collaborated with EvaluATE to conduct the survey, which was distributed to 17,606 individuals; there was a 7.8% response rate. The overarching results of the survey concluded that while the ATE Community saw the potential benefits of using social media, the platform was perhaps not being utilized effectively due to the lack of information regarding how their intended audiences were using and interacting with social media.  The 15 page reports is broken up into four sections: procedure, results, conclusions, and recommendations.  Various graphs and additional data sources are included in the appendicies.  


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