ATEP Information and Communication Technology Module A Course
Course Description:
In this Information and Communication Technology Module A Course, developed by Articulated Technological Education Pathways (ATEP), students explore how technological innovations have changed the world. The module guides students through purchasing and building a computer and operating system basics. Each section of the course includes resources related to the instruction topic. The course is divided into four sections:
- Section 1 - Computer History, Digital Logic, Numbering Systems, Conversion Basics
- Section 2 - Computer Component, Peripheral, Purchasing and Building a Computer Basics
- Section 3 - Desktop/Laptop/Mobile Operating System Basics
- Section 4 - Server, Virtualization, and Cloud Computing Basics
Course Description:
The attached file is a Moodle backup file (.mbz), designed to be uploaded and accessed through a Learning Management System (LMS).
Moodle backup files include:
- Settings, such as course format, theme, course completion settings, and settings for assignments and quizzes
- Resources, such as files, folders, and pages
- and Activities, such as assignments, quizzes and quiz questions, and questionnaires
About this Resource
Resource Type
Education Level
GEM Subject
ATE Contributor
Associated Files
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