
This presentation, made available by Maricopa Advanced Technology Education Center (MATEC), features Terry Bartelt, instructor emeritus, and Dr. Eric Roe of the University of Texas, Austin. The presenters discuss the shift of Polk State College's Engineering Associates Technology degree to an open-entry, open-exit (OEOE) competency based program format. An overview of the demographics of the students at Polk State College is given and local industry trends and needs is provided to establish the changes needed in Polk State College's technology educational programs.

The benefits of OEOE competency based programs include: self-paced, learner centered, faculty mentored, competency based, modular, non-term, and hybrid. A detailed explanation of the development and implementation of the program along with associated successes and challenges is given. Also included in the presentation is question and answer sessions with the audience, interactive polls of the audience, information about program assessment, individual customization for students, student management, tracking student progress, and more. The webinar recording runs 1:30:16 minutes in length.

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