RCNET ACAD 08-006 Crosswalk: 4.10 Chemistry Technicians - Sources of Radiation


Program Description:

This material was published by the Regional Center for Nuclear Education and Training (RCNET) as part of a comprehensive crosswalk that links objectives of ACAD 08-006 with GP Strategies ABC Material, NUCP Surveyed Material, NANTeL resources, EPRI resources, web resources, and published material available to all RCNET partners. These accredited utility training programs are based off training and qualification guidelines (ACADs) published by the National Academy for Nuclear Training. 

ACAD 08-006 is the Uniform Curriculum Guide for Nuclear Power Plant Technician, Maintenance, and Nonlicensed Operations Personnel Associate Degree Programs and includes five main curriculum areas: Core Curriculum, Discipline-Specific Curriculum for Nonlicensed Operators, Discipline-Specific Curriculum for Radiological Protection Technicians, Discipline-Specific for Chemistry Technicians, and Discipline Specific for Maintenance Personnel. 

This section of Discipline-Specific Curriculum for Chemistry Technicians (ACAD 08-006 4.10) focuses on identifying and quantifying sources of radiation.

Documents associated with ACAD 08-006 4.10 include seven PowerPoint presentations.

This material covers, more specifically: sources of natural background radiation: cosmic radiation, uranium, thorium decay chains, potassium 40, radon gas; man-made sources of background radiation: medulla diagnostic X-rays, radio pharmaceuticals, consumer products, weapons tests, and air travel; potential sources of exposure to the public from plant liquid and gaseous effluent releases, transportation of radioactive materials, and major accidents; and major sources of radiation in plants that contribute to worker exposures such as primary system piping and components, inside containment during power operation, primary system filters and demineralizers, radwaste process systems, and radiography.

For orientation purposes Background_radiation.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this curriculum. 

Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis. 

4.10 Sources of Radiation (8 files, 84.5)

  • ALARA for Engineers  (ALARAforEngineers.ppt 28.1 MB)
  • Backgroung Radiation: Man-made and Natural (Background_radiation.ppt 1.1 MB)
  • Biological Effect of Radiation (BiologicalEffectsOfRadiation.ppt 3.8 MB)
  • Chemistry and Radcon (ChemistryandRadcon.ppt 2.5 MB)
  • Gaseous Radwaste and Explosive Gas Monitor (GaseousRadwaste.ppt 39.9 MB)
  • Protection Against Radiation (Protection_Against_Radiation.ppt 8.2 MB)
  • Radiographic Testing (RadiographicTesting.ppt 779 KB)
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