A Study of Advisory Committees Used by ATE Projects and Centers

This collection, provided by EvaluATE: Evaluation Center for Advanced Technological Education, includes two reports on a study of the use of advisory committees by ATE projects and centers. The National Science Foundation (NSF) requires National Visiting Committees (advisory committees) for all ATE centers and projects with grants larger than 500,000. In 2001, Western Michigan University's Evaluation Center began a study of the advisory committee process that is implemented by ATE projects and centers. The study had two general tasks: "1. to learn more about the advisory committee process in the ATE Context, and 2. to develop procedures that can be used to improve the effectiveness of ATE advisory committees."
The 13-page Final Report (Part A) addresses Task 1 and describes what the Evaluation Center has "learned about the advisory committee process with special emphasis on committees used by ATE projects and centers." The 14-page Final Report (Part B) addresses Task 2. and presents recommendations for implementing effective committees.
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