5 Axis CNC Milling

Course Description:
This course is provided Central Main Community College and is designed for the CNC machining instructor with an operational understanding of a Haas 3 axis CNC mill, and a working knowledge of 4th axis CNC milling. This course includes both theory and hands on lab time. The theory portion of the class includes rotational axis, types of 5-axis CNC mills, 5 axis set-up considerations, programming changes, program editing, and 3+2 long hand programming. The lab includes safety, 5-axis trunnion set-up, setting work offsets both manually and with a probe and tool setter, 5-axis work holding, tool clearance considerations, dry-run techniques, and 5-axis machine operation. This course provides students with the opportunity to program, set-up, and operate 5th axis vertical CNC Milling Centers.
Course Contents:
This course includes a 2-page course description and schedule, five PowerPoint lectures, and documents and CAD files for five course projects. Project topics include Drilled Block, Mind Bender, Swarf Milling, Tapered Block, and V-Block.
For orientation purposes 5 Axis Summer Teacher Training.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this collection.
Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
5 axis CNC Milling (50 files, 17.7 MB)
- Course Description and Schedule (5 Axis Summer Teacher Training.doc 46 KB)
- Lectures
- Lecture 1 - Overview (5 Axis Lecture 1.pptx 1.4 MB)
- Lecture 2 - Set-Up and Offsets (5 Axis Lecture 2.pptx 2.3 MB)
- Lecture 3 - Considerations (5 Axis Lecture 4.pptx 1 MB)
- PMT 284 - Multi Axis CNC Milling (5 Axis Lecture 5.pptx 1.4 MB)
- Projects
- Drilled Block
- (Block # 1.PDF 307 KB)
- (Block # 1.SLDDRW 376 KB)
- (Block # 1.SLDPRT 89 KB)
- (Fixture.emcx-8 881 KB)
- (Fixture.SLDPRT 386 KB)
- Mind Bender
- (Mind Bender.PDF 338 KB)
- (Mind Bender.SLDDRW 399 KB)
- (Mind Bender.SLDPRT 158 KB)
- Project Overview (Project Overview.docx 438 KB)
- Swarf Milling
- Swarf
- (Swarf with fixture.emcx-8 2.3 MB)
- (Swarf with fixture.x_t 318 KB)
- Swarf (Swarf.PDF 78 KB)
- (Swarf with fixture.SLDASM 479 KB)
- (Swarf.SLDDRW 405 KB)
- (Swarf.SLDPRT 80 KB)
- Swarf
- Tapered Block
- Tapered Block (Tapered Block.PDF 330 KB)
- (Tapered Block.SLDDRW 423 KB)
- (Tapered Block.SLDPRT 134 KB)
- V-Block
- (0.5 X 1 Dowel.sldprt 22 KB)
- (0.25 X 1 Dowel.sldprt 21 KB)
- (Fixture.sldprt 32 KB)
- (MiteeBite-26020_26020.sldprt 28 KB)
- (MiteeBite-26020_m4x8.sldprt 24 KB)
- (MiteeBite-26020-1.sldasm 19 KB)
- (MiteeBite-26020-2.sldasm20 KB)
- (MiteeBite-26020.sldasm 20 KB)
- (MiteeBite-33120_250-20.sldprt 23 KB)
- (MiteeBite-33120_33120.sldprt 24 KB)
- (MiteeBite-33120.sldasm 19 KB
- (Socket Head Cap Screw (.375-16 X 1.125)(91274A312).sldprt 47 KB)
- (Universal Fixture.emcx-8 1.9 MB)
- (Universal Fixture.SLDASM 465 KB)
- (Universal Fixture.x_t 313 KB)
- V Block (V block.PDF 64 KB)
- (V block.SLDDRW 374 KB)
- (V block.SLDPRT 72 KB)
- Drilled Block
About this Resource
