Updated IT KSA (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities) List - Summer 2018


This 8-page spreadsheet was collectively updated and revised summer 2018 by the National Convergence Technology Center's (CTC) Business and Industry Leadership Team (BILT). The BILT meets each May to update and revise this list to make sure it stays current with the ever-evolving needs of the information technology (IT) workforce. This "KSA" (knowledge, skills, and abilities) list outlines knowledge areas an entry-level IT worker should know. Each row features a single "K" (knowledge area), along with its sub-topics and how it aligns to the current CISSP security domain list. This sheet also records the number of BILT members votes for each K. Four votes indicates that BILT members believes the K is essential, three votes indicates the K is important but not essential, etc. The bottom of the list also includes a handful of certifications the BILT believe are valuable for entry-level workers. The purpose of the spreadsheet is to give faculty members a tool to compare what the BILT members believe to be important IT knowledge, skills, and abilities with curriculum; if there are gaps, then adjustments can be made by creating new classes or updating existing classes. 

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