
This 37-page report from the Southeast Maritime and Transportation (SMART) Center outlines "[c]hallenges and [o]pportunities" related to connecting military Veterans to employers and educational opportunities in the maritime and transportation industry. Topics addressed in this report include: Reasons Veterans Should Choose the Maritime Industry, Barriers Facing Veterans in the Civilian Workplace, Reasons Maritime Employers should Choose Veterans, and Issues for Maritime Employers to Recognize When Recruiting and Hiring Veterans. The report also provides a table that maps out ratings from the Navy, Army, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps to specific maritime occupations and industry sectors. In addition, the report includes a list of career navigation resources for military Veterans as well as information about education benefits available to Veterans and colleges that have "have credit and non-credit maritime programs developed to equip and credential Veterans for immediate employment in the maritime and transportation industry." The report concludes with recommendations for maritime employers and educators. 

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