Seward County Community College will expand its current Corrosion Technology (CT) program into an online instructional mode that increases access to CT courses for two-year college students and industry workers needing a certification or a degree. This will fill the need of industry for qualified CT workers and build a career-ready workforce in this important sector. The field of corrosion technology is vital for supporting U.S. infrastructure and combating corrosion and decay in the nation's energy storage tanks and plants, energy distribution pipelines, highway and bridge supports, ports and waterways, docks, and military equipment and facilities. Only three colleges in the nation offer CT programs and online instruction will increase the reach of this program by using cutting-edge learning systems to convey the latest methods in virtual instruction. This educationally innovative project will bring a successful brick-and-mortar program online with the intention of scaling it to serve a national industrial need in a field of critical importance.

Corrosion is a substantial expense in the U.S. economy and consumes more than 6% of Gross Domestic Product. Qualified corrosion technicians are in high demand, but supply is limited due to the small number of national programs in this field. This online corrosion technology program will use a hybrid BlendFlex delivery model that will allow students to attend courses in-person, in a remote synchronous manner, or asynchronously as their schedule demands. This hybrid model will provide new students the flexibility and allow incumbent technicians to learn as they work in the field. Students will follow a rigorous curriculum that integrates hands-on training with theoretical understanding and incorporates the latest advances in the field. This will allow the project to increase the number of qualified corrosion technicians and provide an innovative approach that meets the needs of industry nationwide.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
June 15th, 2019
ATE Expiration Date
August 31st, 2022
ATE Principal Investigator
James Hyder
Primary Institution
Seward County Community College
Record Type
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