Walking the NSF Budgeting Walk: NSF ATE Proposal Budget & Budget Justification


This webinar, made available by Florence-Darlington Technical College, discusses planning and proposing budgets for National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) grant proposals.

Webinar objectives include:

  • Learn what information to enter into each budget category of the NSF budget form
  • Learn to prepare a budget justification
  • Recognize the mutual dependence between the budget and project description
  • Be alerted to common errors that can be avoided
  • Get answers to questions on budget development and budget forms

Throughout the presentation, the instructors feature examples to help clarify points and engage the audience with question and answer sessions. Links to additional resources can be found in the video description. The recording runs 1:33:24 minutes in length.

About this Resource

Alternate Title
Walking the National Science Foundation Budgeting Walk: National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Association Proposal Budget & Budget Justification
Date Issued
March 13th, 2018

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