Technological Education in Cyber-Physical Systems

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are engineered systems that are built from, and depend upon, the seamless integration of computation and physical components. CPS technologies are transforming the way people interact with engineered systems, just as the Internet has transformed the way people interact with information. Incorporating the ability to plan, react, adjust, and make decisions in real time, these systems efficiently complement the processes and the work of people in many industrial environments. This project focuses on the rapidly changing needs for education related to CPS, including mechatronics, industrial controls, industrial robotics, and industrial Internet of Things. Working with regional industry leaders, other colleges, and K-12 schools, the project will increase the capacity of instructors to provide comprehensive education and training in CPS topics and will expand opportunities for future technicians. Specifically, through the project, the college will increase enrollments in its Automation Engineering Technology, Industrial Mechanical Technician, and Information Technology Network Specialist programs; provide industry certifications and work-based learning experiences to students enrolled in those programs; enable high school students to earn dual credit and other credentials in mechatronics, industrial controls, industrial robotics, or industrial Internet of Things content areas; and provide professional development and instructional support to assist college and high school instructors in teaching CPS concepts and skills.

The high school and college students served by this project will gain knowledge and skills in mechatronic systems, automation, electrical controls, pneumatic and sensor systems, robot operation and programming, human-machine interfaces, computer-controlled machines, mechanical and hydraulic systems, computer numerical control programming, the industrial Internet of Things, data analytics, and cybersecurity. The project will focus on rural high schools, where there is a great need for education in critical technology areas such as CPS. Building on two previously funded projects (NSF Award DUE-1304103 and DUE-1700535), this project will use a mobile laboratory and online modules to reach high school students and teachers in rural Wisconsin. An emphasis on work-based learning will enable students to work directly with employers. High school teachers will benefit from ongoing professional development, mentoring, and support from college faculty.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
October 1st, 2019
ATE Expiration Date
September 30th, 2022
ATE Principal Investigator
Tim Tewalt
Primary Institution
Chippewa Valley Technical College
Record Type
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