
This 17-page document, developed by the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), discusses strategies for educational institutions to improve rates of job placement for photonics technician students after graduation. The instructional document is divided into seven steps, five appendices, and two brochures. The steps are described in detail and include:

  • Step 1: Take the Lead in Student Placement
  • Step 2: Develop a Contact Database of Potential Employers
  • Step 3: Create a Technician Student Placement Plan
  • Step 4: Encourage Internships and Part-Time Work to Help Students Find Their Best Fit
  • Step 5: Tell Students About Further Training and Education for More Advanced Positions
  • Step 6: Help Students Connect With Employers
  • Step 7: Help Students Select the Best Job Offer

The appendices and brochures include: Photonics Systems Technician Skill Standards, Example Resume, Example Letter of Introduction, Where Do Robitics and Photonics Technicians Work, and Advice From Former Students That Are Successful in Their Careers.

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