LA Delta and LA Tech: New Instrumentation Curriculum LATM/LSTA Joint Conference 2018


These presentation slides, made available by Louisiana Delta Community College, are from a presentation given at the Louisiana Association of Teachers of Mathematics (LATM) and Louisiana Science Teachers Association (LSTA) Joint Conference in 2018. The presentation discusses new technology that can be used in technical education institutions. Topics covered include: Let's Make a Sous Vide, What is a Thermister, Interpreting Signal Using Adruino, What Are Relays, Wiring, and more. This presentation is part of Project COMPLETE (Controlling, Operating, and Measuring: Pathways for Learners to Engineering Technology Employment) whose mission statement is to "prepare and connect potential laborers to industry needs in order to grow the region's economy."

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Alternate Title
Louisiana Delta and Louisiana Technology: New Instrumentation Curriculum Louisiana Association of Teachers or Mathematics/Louisiana Science Teacher Association Joint Conference 2018
Date Issued
October 23rd, 2018
Archived with ATE Central

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