
This collection, provided by the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), includes 32 newsletters titled OPEN Optics and Photonics Education News. This newsletter provides "photonics education news and resources for educators, students, graduates, and employers involved with college photonics programs supported by the National and Regional NSF ATE Photonics Centers." Included newsletters often featured information about events, alumni, technicians, and optics and photonics publications. Issues are included from January 2017 to August 2019.

2017_01_OPEN Newsletter.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in the attachment.

Below is a list of files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis. Selected articles from each issue are highlighted below.

OPEN Newsletter Archive 2017-2019 (34 files, 19.5 MB)

  • Optics and Photonics Education News (OPEN) (2017_01_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 314 KB)
  • Engineering Technology Education in the United States (2017_02_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 485 KB)
  • Helping Your Graduates Find their Jobs (2017_03_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 492 KB)
  • Photonics Student Retention (2017_04_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 466 KB)
  • Tech Like a Girl (2017_05_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 475 KB)
  • Laser and Fiber Optics Professional Development Opportunities (2017_06_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 482 KB)
  • Educational Pathways for Engineering Technicians: High Schools and Community/Technical Colleges (2017_07_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 476 KB)
  • The Future of Wireless Is Fiber (2017_08_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 449 KB)
  • National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Opportunities (2017_09_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 385 KB)
  • Reach Out to Veterans in November (2017_10_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 790 KB)
  • Technicians with Associate Degrees Earn Greater Salaries than Completers of Bachelor Degree in Traditional Major (2017_11_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 1.2 MB)
  • Laser Cannons for US Fighter Jets (2017_12_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 563 KB)
  • Google and Free Space Optical Communications (2018_01_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 926 KB)
  • High Intensity Laser Technologies (2018_02_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 779 KB)
  • Using Lasers to See Around Corners (2018_03_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 556 KB)
  • Data Center Photonics: Enabling More Data at Lower Cost and Less Energy (2018_04_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 682 KB)
  • Emerging Digital Cinema Technology (2018_05_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 700 KB)
  • Using LIDAR to Control Invasive Non-Native Fish Populations (2018_06_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 525 KB)
  • A New Cloak of Invisibility (2018_07_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 792 KB)
  • LASER-TEC and Corning Train Fiber Optic College Instructors (2018_08_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 490 KB) 
  • Lensless See-Through Camera Technology (2018_09_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 481 KB)
  • Supporting Struggling Students at Indian Hills Community College (2018_10_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 572 KB)
  • Using Lasers for Bird Control (2018_11_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 580 KB)
  • LASER-TEC Posters (2018_12_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 587 KB)
  • Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (2019_01_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 640 KB)
  • Smartphone Optical Sensors (2019_02_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 388 KB)
  • Emerging Applications of Photonics (2019_03_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 599 KB)
  • New Band Interface Filters Improve LIDAR Resolution (2019_04_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 528 KB)
  • New IR LEDs Enable Mobile Spectroscopy that Allows Consumers to Monitor Ingredients in Food and Validate Medications (2019_05_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 601 KB)
  • Advances in Applications of Medical Lasers (2019_06_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 466 KB)
  • Fundamentals of Semiconductor Lasers Diodes (2019_07_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 581 KB)
  • LASER-TEC Laser-Photonics Technologies Series(2019_08_OPEN_Newsletter.pdf 790 KB)
  • (Thumbs.db 790 KB)
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