
This collection, made available by the National Center for Optics and Photonics Education (OP-TEC), features interviews with five photonics technicians. The technicians are shown briefly describing their careers and each video features statistics on laser and optics technicians careers in the United States. 

This collection includes six videos: five of the videos are the interviews and one video is a compilation of all of the interviews. The videos run between 0:58 and 4:22 minutes in length.

Below is a list of the files contained within the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.

Photonics_Technician_Interviews (14 files, 8.3 MB)

  • An Interview with Adam Loukeh (Photonics_Technician_Interview_VideoClip_Adam_Loukeh.mp4 18.4 MB)
  • An Interview with Derrick Thomman (Photonics_Technician_Interview_VideoClip_Derrick_Thomann.mp4 17.3 MB)
  • An Interview with Julia Majors (Photonics_Technician_Interview_VideoClip_Julia_Majors.mp4 17.1 MB)
  • An Interview with Mike Bass (Photonics_Technician_Interview_VideoClip_Mike_Bass.mp4  33.7 MB)
  • An Interview with Tyler Parker (Photonics_Technician_Interview_VideoClip_Tyler_Parker.mp4 11.6 MB)
  • Collection (Photonics_Technician_Interview_VideoClip_Collection.mp4 93.8MB)
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