Solar PV: Battery Storage and Charge Control Webinar

This webinar, provided by the Center for Renewable Energy Advanced Technological Education Resource Center (CREATE), was presented by Joel Shoemaker and Scott Liddicoat on January 10, 2020. The webinar includes a brief overview of the CREATE Energy Storage Project and the resulting Solar PV: Battery Storage and Charge Control activity. This project took 16 faculty members and industry experts to Germany to see how battery storage was being implemented and to meet with industry representatives, German faculty, and government officials. The Solar PV lab activity was created as a result of this trip.
This webinar includes the following objectives:
- Understand the function of the charge controller in governing current flow in a renewable energy battery storage system.
- Predict, measure, and explain electric potential (volts) and current (amps) in a variety of dynamic settings.
- Understand how to access this lesson (and others) on the CREATE website.
- Understand the features available within this lesson for ease of teacher and student classroom use.
The webinar recording runs 48:25 minutes in length. Supplemental materials include PDF webinar slides, a webinar audio file, and a transcript.
For orientation purposes battery-charge-controller-ppt-for-webinar.pdf is included as a separate attachment and offers a sample of the type of material included in this collection.
Below is a list of files included in the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.
Solar PV - Battery Storage and Charge Control (6 files, 197.1 MB)
- Solar PV: Battery Storage and Charge Control Presentation Slides (battery-charge-controller-ppt-for-webinar.pdf 11.5 MB)
- Solar PV: Battery Storage and Charge Control Video (GMT20200110-210957_CREATE-Bat_1920x1080.mp4 165.7 MB)
- Solar PV: Battery Storage and Charge Control Audio (GMT20200110-210957_CREATE-Bat.m4a 19.8 MB)
- Transcript (GMT20200110-210957_CREATE-Bat.transcript.vtt 59 KB)
- Webinar Chat Messages (GMT20200110-210957_CREATE-Bat.txt 427 B)
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