A Longitudinal Analysis of Young Adult Pathways to STEMH Occupations

This 21-page paper, from the Association for Career and Technical Education Research, discusses the findings of a study on educational pathways and key life course transitions of young adults who enter STEMH (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and health) technician and professional jobs. Study "findings underscored gender, ethnic and racial background, high school achievement and career and technical education (CTE) participation, earning high school industry certifications, postsecondary enrollment (2 year and 4 year), and degree attainment as factors contributing to the attainment of STEMH technician and professional careers."
The paper includes the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Purpose and Research Questions, Theoretical Framework Status Attainment, The Impact of Participation in Career and Technical Education, Post-Secondary Technician Education and Life Course Transitions, Methods, Results, and more.
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