Cyber Intelligence Curriculum

This webpage, from National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCYTE) Center, includes information related to the development of cyber intelligence curriculum. Resources include seven videos created by California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB) as well as "documents related to the development of CSUSB's Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Technology (Cybersecurity, Intelligence Option) and Master of Science in National Cyber Security Studies."

The videos provide information on professional skills and traits that are useful for cybersecurity professionals and also introduces some of the courses in the curriculum. Video titles include: Role Models in Cybersecurity, Research Methods Course, Cybersecurity and Cyber Warfare Course, Writing Well, Rubrics for Evaluating Student Writing, Introduction to Structured Analytical Techniques, Creative Thinking Techniques and Brainstorming, and Diagnostic and Contrarian Thinking Techniques.

Curriculum materials include: National Model Curriculum for Programs in Intelligence and Cybersecurity, Text Analysis - Cyber Intelligence KSATs, Text Analysis - Frequency of NICE KSATs in Cybersecurity Intelligence Work Roles, Text Analysis - High-Frequency NICE KSATs in Cybersecurity Intelligence Work Roles, Cyber Intelligence Generic Course Generation Template - MoSCoW Priority Level, and Final Syllabus Analysis Template.

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