Advanced Technological Education Coordination Network for Knowledge Sharing in Robotics/Automation and Cybersecurity

Technologies involving robotics/automation have become prevalent in US manufacturing and service sectors. Business leaders who adopt these technologies must prioritize cybersecurity to ensure the safety and security of their cyber-physical systems. As a result, the interrelated areas of robotics/automation and cybersecurity are vital to US manufacturers. This project will create an Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Coordination Network that includes community colleges with active ATE projects, Manufacturing Extension Partnerships, Manufacturing USA Institutes, and the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education. The goal of this Coordination Network is to increase members' understanding of the knowledge and skills required to operate and maintain connected machines securely in a manufacturing setting.

Through workshops, virtual communication, and other modalities, this Coordination Network intends to facilitate the sharing of best practices about how to develop community college students' knowledge and skills in robotics/automation and cybersecurity. It will also promote awareness of organizations and resources that connect students to work-based learning opportunities. This Coordination Network will connect community college students to potential employers in the Manufacturing Extension Partnerships client base. By establishing connections and nurturing relationships among members, it is expected that the efforts of the Coordination Network will create synergies that magnify and broaden the impact of individual efforts. The Coordination Network's web portal will make education and training materials available to non-members.

ATE Award Metadata

Award Number
Funding Status
ATE Start Date
July 1st, 2020
ATE Expiration Date
June 30th
ATE Principal Investigator
Evelyn Brown
Primary Institution
North Carolina State University
Record Type
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