Nanoparticle Synthesis Safety Measures (Part 1)

This video, made available by the Center for Nanotechnology Education (Nano-Link), provides an overview of safety measures for a nanoparticle synthesis laboratory. In the video students are shown demonstrating safety measures in a nanoscience laboratory for the following topics: planning, storage and retrieval, labeling, and handling and mixing.

Appropriate attire and personal protective equipment are described. The planning phase includes writing a list of materials and referring to the Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all chemicals that are to be used in the activity. Safe storage and retrieval of chemicals involves storing certain types of chemicals apart from each other, knowing where different chemicals are stored, checking printed labels, transporting chemicals in a spill pan, and more. MSDS should be referred to for proper care, handling, mixing, appropriate containers, etc. for all chemicals being used. Additional safety tips and considerations are provided throughout the video including using the fume hood, clean-up, waste containment, handling access chemicals during the weighing process, and more. The recording runs 7:21 minutes in length.

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