The ATE Impacts book, published every two years by Internet Scout Research Group, showcases all of the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Centers and selected nominated projects. The NSF ATE program focuses on the education of highly-qualified science and engineering technicians for advanced technology fields. Through the program's grant process, the NSF promotes the improvement of STEM education of science and engineering technicians at the undergraduate and secondary school levels, and in the workforce. 

This 2020-2021 Impacts book provides data on the NSF ATE program, a foreword by NSF board member Victor R. McCrary, Jr., an introduction, and summaries of the activities and accomplishments of 30 ATE Centers and 28 projects. Website addresses are included for all of the Centers and projects. A map is also included that provides geographic location information that is intended to help connect educators, employers, and students with the ATE initiatives in each state. 

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