GUAS 2731 UAS 101 - Fundamentals of UAS
Course Description:
This course, developed by the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Technology Education Consortium (UASTEC) at Del Mar College, covers the fundamentals of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). "This foundation course will apply fundamental Geographic Information Science (GISC) theories, principles and applications in the use of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS/sUAS) technology for the acquisition and analysis of geospatial data." This course will introduce students to common UAS terms, applicable FAA regulations, the physical and environmental phenomenon that have an effect on UAS performance, maintenance and preflight inspection procedures, and more. This course has the following outcomes:
- The student will be able to define a sUAS and UAS systems.
- The student will be able to identify and describe the key components and certification requirements for the Remote Pilot in Command of a small unmanned aircraft system.
- The student will be able to describe how to obtain a part 107 remote pilot certification with a sUAS rating.
- The student will be able to identify and describe key characteristic of a sUAS and requirements for registration, markings and condition.
- The student will be able to describe the historical background of UAS and remote sensing.
- The student will be able to identify and describe multiple UAS and sUAS platforms, specifications and applications.
- The student will be able to identify and describe sUAS navigation and post processing software.
- The student will be able to identify and describe introductory and fundamental remote sensing applications.
Course Contents:
Course materials include a syllabus, 14 course modules, 4 videos, a .imscc file, and more.
The 6-page syllabus includes a course description, a list of learning outcomes and competencies, key terms and concepts, methods of evaluation, and more.
The 14 course modules are provided in PowerPoint and Word document format. The PowerPoint versions include source citations. The Course Preview module includes a course overview, including information about course set up and the UASTEC project, abbreviations and acronyms, keywords, and more. Other modules cover the following topics: UAS remote pilot in command certification and operational requirements; UAS types, platform, sensors and remote sensing applications; sUAS characteristics and requirements; remote pilot in command responsibilities; preflight considerations; determining preflight performance; environmental effects on flights; and more.
An .imscc file is included within the .zip attachment and has numerous folders and files from the Canvas course. File formats include .xml, .pptx, .html, and more. This file includes course documents and URLs to websites that were used in the class. Websites include exam study guides, videos, FAA Airman Knowledge Testing information, and more.
Course materials also include a promotional video and three other videos that describe some learning module content. Videos run from 00:38 to 01:17 minutes in length.
GUAS2371_UAS101 (80 files, 1.61 GB)
- GUAS2371_ScreenCaptures (38 files, 4.1 MB)
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- GUAS2371_UAS101_Lecture_Modules
- Overview: Geospatial Technologies and Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program & Course Overview. (UAS101_GUAS2371_1_55_CoursePreview_1-1.pdf
- Module 1: Introduction to UAS Remote Pilot in Command Certification and Operational Requirements (UAS101_GUAS2371_M1_56_100_RPIC_RequirementsRegulations_1-1.pdf
- Module 2: Introduction to UAS Types, Platform, Sensors and Remote Sensing Applications (UAS101_GUAS2371_M2_101_139_IntrUAS_Types_Platforms_Sen_RemSen_App_1-1.pdf
- Module 3: Aircraft and Remote Pilot in Command Requirements: sUAS Characteristics and Requirements (UAS101_GUAS2371_M3_sUAS_RPIC_Req_Reg_Char_1-1.pdf
- Module 4: Aircraft and Remote Pilot in Command Requirements: Remote Pilot in Command Responsibilities (UAS101_GUAS2371_M4_155_179_RPIC_ Responsibilities_1-2.pdf
- Module 5 Safe Operation of sUAS: Preflight Considerations (UAS101_GUAS2371_M5_179_224_PreflightConsiderations_1-1.pdf
- Module 6 Safe Operation of sUAS:Determining Preflight Performance & Sources of Performance Data. Environmental Effects on Flight (UAS101_GUAS2371_M6_SafeOperaPreflightPerf_1-1.pdf
- Module 7 Safe Operation of sUAS:Using Operational Aviation Weather Sources to Determine Preflight Performance (UAS101_GUAS2371_M7_OpertionAviationWeather_1-1.pdf
- Module 8 A & B Airspace Situational Awareness Elevations & Altitudes, MSL & AGL Airspace Classes Terminal and Sectional Charts, FAA Waiver Authorization (UAS101_GUAS2371_M8A_AirspaceTACs_1.pdf
- Module 8 B11 Terminal and Sectional Charts: Symbols, Airports, Navigation, Special Use Airways & Airspace, Obstacles, Hazards, and Terrain Reporting and
FAA Waiver Authorization UASTEC 2017 1(UAS101_GUAS2371_M8B_SpecialAreasSymbols_1.pdf - Module-9 An Introduction to the Rules and Procedures for safe radio communications for Pre and Current Flight Operations (UAS101_GUAS2371_M9_AirportNavigationRadio_1.pdf
- Module 10 Rules for Safe Operation of sUAS - Operating Rules Introduction (UAS101_GUAS2371_M10_OperatingRules_1.pdf
- Module 11 Aeronautical Decision-Making and Judgment (UAS101_GUAS2371_M11_ADMJ_RiskPreflight_1.pdf
- Module 12 Preflight Considerations: sUAS Recreational Users Dos and Dont's & Best Practices (UAS101_GUAS2371_M12_BestPractices_DosDonts_1.pdf
- GUAS2371_UAS101_Syllabus_Modules
- Course Syllabus (GUAS2371_UAS101_Course Syllabus.docx 308 KB)
- Course Syllabus (GUAS2371_UAS101_Course Syllabus.pdf 510 KB)
- Canvas Modules (GUAS2371_UAS101_Modules.docx 1.1 MB)
- Canvas Modules (GUAS2371_UAS101_Modules.pdf 523 KB)
- GUAS2371_UAS101_Video