This video is from the Spring 2020 Teaching Biotech from a Distance webinar series provided by InnovATEBio National Biotechnology Educational Center. During this interview-style presentation, Dr. Meei-Li Huang from the Virology department at the University of Washington discusses her experiences in the laboratory testing for SARS-CoV-2 during the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, Dr. Huang describes how the lab was able to drastically increase testing from 30 tests a week to over 3,000 a day. Later in the webinar, there is a demonstration of digital tools students can use to learn about RT-PCR primers and mapping onto DNA and RNA sequences. This webinar runs 1:06:01 minutes in length. Additional webinars from the series are available to view separately.

About this Resource

Alternate Title
Teaching Biotechnology from a Distance - Quantitative Reverse Transcription Polymerse Chain Reaction assays and SARS-CoV-2
Date Issued
May 10th, 2020

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Digital World Biology
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