Mastering the Aeronautical Chart: Layout and Ancillary Information (Part 2 of 6)

This video, from AmericaView, is the second in a six part series that discusses how to master the aeronautical chart for unmanned aerial systems (UAS) operators. The video covers the basic layout of Visual Flight Rules (VFR) sectionals and where to find ancillary data. The video runs 6:40 minutes in length.

The remaining parts of the series are available to view separately and cover an introduction to VFR sectionals, legend and symbology, normal use airspace, special use airspace, and how to read and create flight plans with a sectional chart. This series helps prepare individuals for a Part 107 Exam.

About this Resource

Alternate Title
Mastering the Aeronautical Chart: Layout and Ancillary Information (Part Two of Six)
Date Issued
January 3rd, 2018

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