Mastering the Aeronautical Chart: The Legend (Part 3 of 6)

This video, from AmericaView, is the third in a six part series that discusses how to master the aeronautical chart for unmanned aerial systems (UAS) operators. The video covers the legend and symbology of a Visual Flight Rules (VFR) sectional. The video runs 8:45 minutes in length.

The remaining parts of the series are available to view separately and cover an introduction to VFR sectionals, the basic parts and layout of a VFR sectional, normal use airspace, special use airspace, and how to read and create flight plans with a sectional chart. This series helps prepare individuals for a Part 107 Exam.

About this Resource

Alternate Title
Mastering the Aeronautical Chart: The Legend (Part Three of Six)
Date Issued
January 3rd, 2018

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