This module is provided by GeoTech Center and introduces mathematical concepts that are related to geospatial technologies. Module contents include two video recordings and a document providing an overview of the module.

The Concept Module Part 1 is a recorded PowerPoint presentation provided by educator Ann Johnson, who discusses mathematical principles that are fundamental in computing and geospatial technologies. The module introduces mathematical operators, word problems, and mathematical definitions; and provides a summary of mathematical laws and rules. Other topics in the presentation include unit conversion, geospatial technology, and numeral systems. The video recording runs 23:56 minutes in length.

Part 2 of the Concept Module highlights how the mathematical concepts discussed in Part 1 relate to computer science. The presentation begins with an introduction to computer operating systems, applications and their abilities. The module continues the discussion of binary, decimal and hexadecimal number systems and provides examples of their application in common geospatial technology workflows. Other topics covered in this module include converting number systems, and Boolean operators. The video recording runs 18:34 minutes in length.

Below is a list of files included in the .zip attachment. The size of each file is included in parenthesis.

Mathematical and Geospatial Technology, Part I & - (638.7 MB, 3 items)

  • Concept Module Overview (Paragraphs for Mathematical  Concept Module Part 1 and 2.docx  12 KB)
  • Concept Module Video Part 2 (Mathematics Concept Module Part 2 V5 Final 2-13-2020 2-10-2020.mp4 307.1 MB)
  • Concept Module Video Part 1 (Mathematics Concept Module Part 1 V4 1-23-2020.mp4 386.3 MB)


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