Spring Series 2021: Journey of a MEMS Researcher Nathan Jackson University New Mexico

This webinar, provided by the Micro Nano Technology Education Center (MNT-EC), highlights the journey of a MEMS researcher, Nathan Jackson, assistant professor at the University of New Mexico. During the webinar, Jackson discusses his journey to becoming a MEMS engineer. Jackson begins by talking about his degrees in bio engineering and working with brain machine interfaces and MEMS packaging, to work with piezoelectric MEMS, smart hydrogels, acoustic resonators, and more.

A summary is provided at the end of the webinar with a few points about MEMS and careers in MEMS. Some of these points include:

  • MEMS are all around us and used in everyday applications.
  • The job market will continue to grow in the foreseeable future.
  • There are job opportunities available to all STEM disciplines.
  • The vast multi-discipline nature of MEMS means you can work in numerous jobs throughout your career.
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