This document and supplemental video update the process developed by the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) to provide a detailed, step-by-step guide to using free Google tools to streamline the job skills voting process with business councils. This document was first disseminated in October 2019 and then updated in December 2020. Rather than hand-counting raised hands and entering the counts into a vote spreadsheet manually, Google forms and Google sheets allow for real-time, automated vote tallying and averaging, which saves time in the job skills meeting. Whether in the meeting in person or calling in remotely, business SMEs can use a smartphone or laptop to open the Google form URL and vote on job skills.

This update provides an easier shortcut to set up the Google tools. Two sets of directions have been created - one process assumes you're creating the KSA list from scratch, while the other process assumes you're using an existing KSA spreadsheet. The resource that provides instructions on creating the KSA list from an existing spreadsheet is available to view separately.

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