What Gets Measured Gets Done: Exploring ATE Evaluators’ and Principal Investigators’ Attention to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

This webinar, published by Western Michigan University Evaluation Center, explores defining and measuring diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the evaluation process. The video provides practical guidance and discussion on how to attend to DEI for continual growth. In the video, Dr. Ayesha Boyce and Dr. Tiffany Tovey begin with introductions, consider the creation of a reflective space, define and emphasize the importance of DEI, provide examples of empirical work, consider DEI in evaluation practice and research findings, and explore how and why projects can and should measure DEI. Two Q&A breaks are provided. The webinar contains several polls for participants.

The webinar recording runs 1:02:15 minutes in length. Webinar slides and a handout are included. The 3-page handout provides definitions and examples of DEI.

About this Resource

Alternate Title
What Gets Measured Gets Done: Exploring Advanced Technological Education Evaluators’ and Principal Investigators’ Attention to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Date Issued
May 19th, 2021
Archived with ATE Central

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