Agriculture Programs Recruitment Package

Collection Description
These recruitment materials were developed by Wayne Randall and Pat Marcellino from North Georgia Technical College. These materials constitute the recruitment packet that was created by the Modernizing Agriculture Technician Education in Appalachian Northeast Georgia project. This project originally sought to develop and implement a recruitment plan that brings ground-based family-oriented workshops into the home communities of college-potential Northeast Georgians. The workshops were intended to build relationships, a key to moving oneself out of poverty. The COVID-19 pandemic precluded the proposed family workshops during year one of the project. The pandemic made outreach (ground-based or virtual) one of the most challenging aspects of the project, especially in the year one target communities of Franklin and Stephens counties where many households lack computers (24.1% and 19.4%, respectively) and/or internet access (39.8% and 32.0%, respectively). As an alternative, outreach was delivered in print format during year one; the recruitment packet was shared with local high school administrators, potential college students, and their families.
Collection Contents
Six .pdf files are contained within a .zip attachment. These .pdf files include the recruitment folder, a cover letter about North Georgia Technical College’s Agriculture Programs, information about admissions, an application form, financial aid information, and related notices and disclosures.
Ag Recruitment Pkt (6 files, 10.4 MB)
- Folder (1 Ag recruitment folder.pdf 6.6 MB)
- Cover Letter (2 Ag program - cover letter.pdf 676 KB)
- Admissions Information (3 NGTC admissions.pdf 840 KB)
- Application Form (4 NGTC application form.pdf 361 KB)
- Financial Aid Information (5 NGTC financial aid info.pdf 1.6 MB)
- Related Notices and Disclosures (6 notices and disclosures.pdf 336 KB)
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