Module 8 - Introducing the CoDrone with Arduino Programming

This video workshop, published by Motlow State Community College and led by Dr. Khalid Tantawi, is part of an eight-video series from the SMARTT Project. The video provides an introduction to computer programming with Arduino, a software used to built digital devices, and how the program can be used to assemble a CoDrone. In the video, Tantawi provides a history of programming, outlines the basics of computer architecture, compares microcontrollers and microprocessors, lists the common types of Arduino boards, explores the physical features of a drone, describes on-board sensors, considers electrical characteristics, and lists the program's features and capabilities. Following this, Tantawi discusses how users may employ this software for drone assembly, including information on communicating with a CoDrone and a three step program. Finally, a lab scenario is presented. The video recording runs 42:58 minutes in length.

About this Resource

Alternate Title
Module Eight - Introducing the CoDrone with Arduino Programming
Date Issued
July 12th, 2021

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