This video is part of the 2020 SciTech Lecture Series from Forsyth Technical Community College. This series of lectures and interviews is held every year and covers an array of science and technology topics.

This interview features Dr. Laura Kavanaugh. During the interview, Laura talks about her background in science and engineering, including her education and employment. She first received her degree in chemistry and chemical engineering at Purdue University and then went on to get a master's degree in mechanical engineering. After receiving those degrees, she got a job at Johnson Space Center working in the mission control station. Laura worked there for over 13 years and worked on over 40 space shuttle missions. She later went back to school to get a degree in genetics and genomics and began a research career with a biotech company. Laura also provides advice for students and discusses her partnership with Forsyth Technical Community College.

This video runs 32:53 minutes in length. 

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