This 34-page manual, from the Marine Advanced Technology Education Center, was provided to those competing in the telepresence Ranger Class at the MATE ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) 2021 competition. Every year, the "competition challenges students to build a ROV to tackle tasks based on the real world." The competition is divided into the following competition classes: Explorer, Ranger, Navigator, and Scout. These classes are "based on the level of complexity required to build the vehicle." For 2021, competitors were tasked with "... design[ing] and build[ing] a remotely operated vehicle and the necessary sensors and tooling to tackle the real- world problems of plastics in our ocean, climate changes impact on coral reefs, and the consequences of poor environmental practices on our inland waterways."

This manual is condensed and provides all the rules, requirements, and guidelines for teams competing in the telepresence Ranger Class of the competition. A table of contents and the following sections are included: 2021 MATE ROV Competition, Product Demonstration, Vehicle Design and Building Specifications, Engineering and Communication, and Submission Guidelines and Key Deadlines. 

Additional manuals and competitor technical reports are available to view separately. 

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